Services provides the participants

Services/services are totally focused on the FE participants ! Their professionalism, knowledge, experience, skills and needs are paramount.

This is also accomplished by the contact and communication with other Fe’s. Assisting in the personal circumstance where professional behaviour is adversely affected.

Participants with a FE status

With the Forensic Quality Circles they can participate in discussions

The Forensic Quality Circles of IPA FPE offer opportunities to discussions on specific topics relating to new and existing research methods, instruments, improve working conditions / work, used test methods etc.. This enhances the ‘creative thinking and solution-doing. For each expertise, there will be a separate platform. In addition, a common platform where there is room for broader topics.

The Forensic On-line Library

For all IPA FPE participants, they 24 x 7 access to the Forensic On-line Library; containing information of participants all in one place. The on-line library is the source of information and will eventually become the independent information source for all Fe’s

Attention to the man behind that Fe’s because there is more to it. ..

A professional can only grow if he is aware that there must be balance between the personal and professional circumstances. Profession-oriented attention to those who need it and / or those who lack. The participants of IPA FPE take their mission “to ensure an accurate and fair investigation” seriously.

For personal issues

For questions of legal status and/or personal nature that have a direct impact on the professional acting by a participant will be picked up by IPA FPE and IC4You2. In the starting phase, a first guide which may be made as to a solution may result in. This task is still under development and will be further professionalised, However this is linked with the further development of IPA FPE and IC4You2.


This register of FE participant with or without STE (Short Term Expert) notation will only be used by IPA FPE / IC4You2 for obtaining a good overview, of the available expertise, experience and locations of FE’s. STE’s are available for assistance, when somewhere a questionable short of knowledge occurs, the public sector is be able apply for assistance of a STE’s at IC4You2.

More about FE participants. Click here …

More about fees and payments. Click here …