The basic principles and the existence of IPA FPE be conferred on the registered articles of the foundation; hereafter following an important text part of:
Chapter 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Foundation, Vision and Mission ……………………………………………………………………..
Clause 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………….
The foundation and vision of IPA FPE are defined in the referred document as follows:
“The IPA FPE is a professional organization of and for forensic police experts who strongly believe in and support the right to fair trial, and consequently its participants support the motto ‘Efficio Animadverto Rectus Indagtio”, and as such the participants “Stand for and Ensure an Accurate and Just Investigations”.
The Forensic Police Expert(s) hereafter: “FPE”, associated as participants with IPA FPE, find the balance, both as an individual as well as professional, to be able to think and act optimally as a professional whilst exercising their responsibility within the society.
Such basis for mutual respect and acknowledgement, and sharing of experience and knowledge, will lead to mutual recognition and acknowledgement of responsibilities as a forensic police expert. Sharing those responsibilities will strengthen the personal and professional knowledge and experience of the individual as well as what they want to stand for.
The associates / participants of IPA FPE want to contribute to a safer society with their professionalism. The associates / participants of IPA FPE acknowledge that their professional expertise, is an ongoing process of maintaining and renewing efforts, in order to be able to continue providing that contribution, such that true fact finding and finding the truth is never doubted.
IPA FPE further expands on that foundation and vision, also being inspired by the European Convention of Human Rights, TITLE I – RIGHTS and FREEDOMS, Clause 6 – right to a fair trial “.
Mission ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Clause 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
1 The foundation aims:
To contribute to a better access to forensic research, techniques and equipment etc., for all professionals within the area of police, forensic investigation / sciences and public or governmental bodies, in which co-operation and exchange are also focussed on accelerating knowledge and improving quality within police organizations and justice, thus contributing to a safer society.
b Providing insight into the quality that is made available to the profession.
c By paying attention to the personal aspects of forensic police expert attention, where the relationship between employer and employee are intended or un-intended hinders the expert to arrive at decisive action in his / her professionalism.
2 The foundation wants its goal the importance and role of a police forensic expert, as a key contributor to a safer society. As a participant, Forensic Police Experts want to take responsibility and accountability and consequently, Therefore, participation in the foundation borders and is not limited to the Netherlands. Indeed, those who are active abroad, within the same profession or area, are equally contributing to a safer society and also require this attention, assistance and support of each other.
3 The foundation seeks to achieve by its object “knowledge acceleration and improved access”,
a Using the World Wide Web as a communication tool use;
Provide options such as virtual platforms, in which participants can discuss relevant topics, that have a direct relationship with clause . 3 sub 1 followed. by. clause 3 a 2 and sub 4, 5, 6.
The bylaws complete are availble trough the Chamber of Commerce where the Foundation IPA FPE is registered under number 56139802 .