IPA FPE is the first independent occupational group for Forensic Experts (FE’s) and Special Assigned Enforcers (SAE’s). These professionals have chosen for a profession with public responsibilities. Together with IPA FPE they uncover and guard each others qualified professionalism on ‘Best Practice’. This means that all primary and secondary preconditions at work being recorded and known. That’s what our core activity is to advance and spreading of up-to-date applied knowledge for these professionals.


By Interaction you can Inspire each other.


Talk, talk and Write down your 2nd thought.


Share your findings with other experts.



Review each others findings and give a feedback.  



Check if its a valid way in line of professionalism.



Getting an agreement on it’s best practice.

Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means *.

* Immanuel Kant

—  For more details click here —